It has been observed that health complications continue to plague the patient in the period immediately following a traumatic injury. These complications are clinically, distinctive medical problems. One of the common hormonal complications arising as a result of post- traumatic brain injury is hypothyroidism. Fibromyalgia is the symptom observed in post-traumatic cases. It indicates very limited and poor thyroid hormone regulation of tissues. This could be due to hypothyroidism or thyroid hormone resistance. About 30% of the patients with fibromyalgia symptoms are documented as post-traumatic cases. The symptoms show up immediately after a shock.
There has been under stimulation of the pituitary by hypothalamic hormones documented in post-traumatic, hypothalamic-pituitary, dysfunction cases. These cases recorded a low serum thyroxine and elevated TSH concentration, like that observed in primary hypothyroidism patients. The patients have to be treated with the hydrocortisone therapy, to get back the normal levels of T4 and TSH.